K-12 ‘Action Civics’ Trained Students Encamped on College Campuses. Here’s What Parents Need to Know.

Parents asking why their college student’s graduation is canceled this year need only remember when their child was in high school. K-12 schools have been training students to disrupt the systems around them for years through the teaching of “action civics,” which primes students to be activists even if it deprives them of understanding if, when, or why a demonstration would be necessary. Rioting students’ encampments on college campuses today are disrupting schools around the country, putting classes on hold in some places and leading to the canceling of graduation…


Antisemitism on College Campuses Has Shot Up 1,753% Since Oct. 7. Higher Education Spawned This Culture of Hate.

The nation’s college campuses have created a climate of hate. A report released Monday by the Combat Antisemitism Movement in partnership with the Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University in Israel found that antisemitism has exploded in U.S. higher education. The numbers are shocking, but not surprising. The report found that in the fourth quarter of 2023, from October through December, there was a 1,753% increase in far-left incidents of antisemitism and a 268% increase of Islamist antisemitic incidents on college campuses since the…


I’m a College Volleyball Player. The Equal Rights Amendment Would Destroy My Sport.

In their renewed attempt to ratify the so-called Equal Rights Amendment, Senate Democrats are quick to erase 50-plus years of progress and opportunity for women. Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, shamelessly mocked the accomplishments of thousands of female athletes as he joked Feb. 28 about the “fate of field hockey” during his committee’s hearing on the revived Equal Rights Amendment. Don’t worry, Durbin did admit that female athletes “would probably feel very strongly about the issue, if they are field hockey players.” Senator Durbin has…