How MoveOn Is Working to Support the LGBTQ+ Community

  The LGBTQ+ community, particularly transgender folks, is under attack from Republicans. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, nearly 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have gone before state legislatures since the start of this year alone, and anti-trans bills have doubled since 2022. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed several anti-LGBTQ+ bills, which Joe Saunders, senior political director of Equality Florida, called “an all-out attack on freedom.” One bill prohibits transgender children from receiving gender-affirming care, while another restricts teachers, faculty, and students from using the pronouns of their choice in…


Intelligence community whistleblowers finally get a little help, from Congress

<p><em>Best listening experience is on Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Subscribe to Federal Drive’s daily audio interviews on </em><a href=”″><i>Apple Podcasts</i></a><em> or <a href=”″>PodcastOne</a>.</em></p> <p>Whistleblowers across the government have gotten increasingly more support and protection over the years. Except for those in the secretive intelligence community. They have no independent enforcement mechanisms for the protections they do have. Joining the <a href=””><em><strong>Federal Drive with Tom Temin</strong></em></a> with how things are about to change, the policy counsel at the Project on Government Oversight, Melissa Wasser.</p> <p><em>Interview transcript:</em></p> <blockquote><p><strong>Tom Temin:</strong> Ms. Wasser, good to have you on.</p>…