Biden signs continuing resolution into law averting government shutdown, FDA furloughs

President Joe Biden signed a short-term continuing resolution bill into law on Friday, averting a partial government shutdown. The House passed the bill earlier in the afternoon. The Senate passed the CR on Thursday after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) agreed to drop a provision in an earlier version of the CR that would streamline the permitting process for energy projects. The bill funds the federal government through Dec. 16 and gives Congress more time to work out a comprehensive spending package for the rest of fiscal 2023. The continuing resolution…


This legislation would turn Veterans Affairs whistleblower policy into law

<p><em>Best listening experience is on Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Subscribe to Federal Drive’s daily audio interviews on </em><a href=”″><i>Apple Podcasts</i></a><em> or <a href=”″>PodcastOne</a>.</em></p> <p>In an agency as large as Veterans Affairs, with a third of a million employees, there is no shortage of things to go wrong. Often it&#8217;s whistleblowers that point them out, often to the Office of Inspector General. Now a bipartisan bill that passed the House would ensure continuance of a policy that every VA employee received training by the OIG to learn how to report alleged wrongdoing. For more…