Jack Smith Isn’t Backing Down

When the Supreme Court ruled last month that presidents are immune from prosecution for anything done as an official act, many observers reacted with immediate horror. They warned that the ruling would allow future presidents to act as despots, doing whatever they like without fear of accountability. And in the immediate term, they predicted doom for the federal case against former President Donald Trump for attempting to subvert the 2020 election. The effect of the ruling on future presidents will not be clear for some time. But Special Counsel Jack…


New Jack Smith Indictment Against Trump Much Like the Old One

In an attempt to salvage his prosecution against Donald Trump, special counsel Jack Smith secured a reindictment Tuesday against the 45th president on four felony charges in his Washington, D.C., election interference case.  The case revolves around Trump’s various challenges to the 2020 election outcome, most notably his effort to prevent Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory on Jan. 6, 2021. The Washington federal grand jury’s new 36-page indictment is similar to the previous indictment in the case. However, in early July, the U.S. Supreme Court determined Trump…