MoveOn: Republicans Vote for Largest Medicaid Cut in History to Pay for Billionaire Tax Cuts

WASHINGTON – In response to House Republicans voting for the largest Medicaid cut in history, MoveOn Civic Action Chief Communications Officer Joel Payne released the following statement: “There’s no other way to say it: the Republican Party just agreed to take away Medicaid from their constituents in favor of mass deportations, expanding the military budget and trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the rich. MoveOn and our members will make sure that all 217 of these Republicans hear loud and clear about how unconscionable it is to cut Medicaid…


For 2023, federal retirees will see largest COLA increase in over 40 years

Federal retirees and Social Security recipients are about to get the largest increase in their cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in over four decades. The COLA will increase 8.7% for 2023, the Social Security Administration announced on Oct. 13. But not all federal retirees will see that amount added to their checks. Those in the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) will receive a 7.7% COLA starting in January. The large COLA announcement for 2023 is no surprise, given high rates of inflation and climbing consumer prices this year, said Ken Thomas, national…


Gallup poll shows largest increase in Democratic Party affiliation in a decade – USA TODAY

Gallup poll shows largest increase in Democratic Party affiliation in a decade  USA TODAY Gallup: Democrats now outnumber Republicans by 9 percentage points, thanks to independents  Yahoo News Voting Restrictions Aren’t the Primary Threat to U.S. Democracy  New York Magazine Share of Democrats in US Spikes After Biden Win, Poll Shows  BloombergQuint Fight Over Georgia Voting Restrictions Triggers National Debate  Voice of America View Full Coverage on Google News “us democrats” – Google News


Warren under attack as Democrats spar in largest primary debate in US history – The Guardian

Warren under attack as Democrats spar in largest primary debate in US history  The Guardian U.S. Democrats go on attack against Warren on healthcare, taxes at debate  Reuters The October Democratic debate transcript  The Washington Post Elizabeth Warren took heat in the fourth Democratic debate. Here are the night’s top moments  CNBC At U.S. Democratic debate, Warren’s rise sparks fears about her agenda  Reuters UK View full coverage on Google News “us democrats” – Google News