If Trump Is Guilty, Does It Matter If the Prosecution Was Political?

Republican leaders are adamant and practically unanimous on one thing: The case that got Donald Trump convicted on 34 felony counts was a political prosecution. “This was a purely political exercise, not a legal one,” said Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. “This entire trial has been a sham, and it is nothing more than political persecution,” charged Senator Ted Cruz. “This is a politically motivated sham trial,” said Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders. They have a point, but it’s not the condemnation they believe. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is…


Joe Biden Isn’t Popular. That Might Not Matter in 2024.

By almost any historic yardstick, President Joe Biden is beginning the reelection campaign he formally announced today in a vulnerable position. His job-approval rating has consistently come in at 45 percent or less; in several recent high-quality national polls, it has dipped closer to 40 percent. In surveys, three-fourths or more of Americans routinely express dissatisfaction with the economy. And a majority of adults have repeatedly said that they do not want him to seek a second term; that figure rose to 70 percent (including just more than half of…


How much does inflation actually matter to DoD and can it be fixed?

The word inflation is being bantered about in Congress relating to the Pentagon’s 2023 budget quite a bit as senior leaders justify their funding decisions for the upcoming year. However, how important is inflation to the actual military budget, especially when the budget, after all, is just a recommendation? Last week, the Defense Department provided important information to Congress on how it is thinking about the nation’s inflation rate in terms of next year’s budget. The letter, requested by both Armed Services Committees’ ranking members, provided tidbits of insider knowledge…


Ahmaud Arbery’s Dad Says ‘All Lives Matter’ in Reaction to Verdicts

Ahmaud Arbery’s father reacted to the guilty verdict of the three men involved in his son’s murder Wednesday, proclaiming “all lives matter.” “For real, all lives matter,” Marcus Arbery told the media following the guilty verdicts. “Not just black children, we don’t want to see nobody go through this. I don’t want to see no daddy watch their kid get left and shot down like that. So it’s all our problem.” Arbery, a 25-year old black man, was shot and killed in Brunswick, Georgia on Feb. 23, 2020, when three men…


Debt ceiling vs government shutdown: How they’re different and why they matter – CNBC

Debt ceiling vs government shutdown: How they’re different and why they matter  CNBC Warnings of economic catastrophe come as Congress prepares to debate debt ceiling  Reuters White House warns states face deep cuts if Congress does not raise debt limit  PBS NewsHour Congress Is a Kid With a ‘Box of Dynamite’ in Debt-Ceiling Talks: JPMorgan  Business Insider View Full Coverage on Google News “us congress” – Google News


Why Does US President Joe Biden’s Earth Day Climate Summit Matter for the World and for India? | The Weather Channel – Articles from The Weather Channel | weather.com – The Weather Channel

Why Does US President Joe Biden’s Earth Day Climate Summit Matter for the World and for India? | The Weather Channel – Articles from The Weather Channel | weather.com  The Weather Channel “us president” – Google News