The Next Big Test of Trump’s Power

MORGANTOWN, West Virginia—Eight days before a Republican-primary election that could end his political career, Representative David McKinley stood on the sunny banks of the Monongahela River and stared into a tank filled with brown sewage. A fetid stench—something like a mix of sulfur and diapers—befouled the crisp Appalachian air. McKinley, battling Representative Alex Mooney, a fellow GOP lawmaker backed by Donald Trump, in his bid for his seventh term in Congress, was touring a wastewater-treatment plant and promoting his vote for an infrastructure law that could prove to be either…


Your agency after COVID: What’s next for you?

Once the war against COVID (with 900,000 plus U.S. casualties) is declared to be over, long-time feds know what’s next: The media will be there of course, second-guessing decisions which, at the time, seemed like the right (or only) thing to do. But first steps will be taken by Washington-based politicians with jurisdictions over the various federal departments, agencies and bureaus involved in the pandemic fight. Those conducting the investigations/witchhunts (choose one) will either be savvy long-time pols who survived the mid-terms or newcomers anxious to make their political bones.…


On Bill of Rights Day, Christian Group Says Hope Isn’t Lost on Next Generation

What if former President Ronald Reagan was right? What if freedom really is never more than “one generation away from extinction,” as the then-governor of California said during his inaugural address in 1967.  A Purcellville, Virginia-based Christian youth group called Generation Joshua has heeded Reagan’s warning and is working tirelessly to empower and educate teenagers to become future leaders of our nation.  The organization exists “to teach high school students about their country, where it comes from, why it’s free, and how to keep it that way,” Joel Grewe, the…


Biden will meet Manchin next week to persuade him on $1.9 trillion social spending bill

President Biden will meet with West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin next week to talk him into supporting the administration’s $ 1.9 trillion social spending bill. Mr. Biden told reporters on Friday that he wasn’t sure if he could convince the moderate Democrat to vote on passing his bill, better known as … The Washington Times stories: White House


Attention, Woke Leftists: Women Don’t Want Men in Restroom Stall Next to Them

Students attending Chicago public schools can now use whatever restroom they want. The change is being made in an effort to be more “inclusive” and “equitable,” according to Camie Pratt, chief Title IX officer for Chicago Public Schools. “All restrooms are open for use by anyone who feels comfortable,” Pratt said in a recent video announcing the change.  Pratt says the change is being made in an effort to comply with the U.S. Department of Education’s Title IX protections against discrimination, but there are serious concerns about how the policy…