White House ducks question about suspected car theft at Naomi Biden’s home: ‘Personal information’

The White House on Monday dodged questions about why Secret Service agents protecting President Biden’s granddaughter, Naomi Biden, opened fire on three people attempting to break into a Secret Service vehicle in Washington. The Washington Times stories: White House


Poll: Majority of Republicans believe FBI is acting as Biden’s ‘personal Gestapo’

More than half of Republican voters believe the FBI is acting as President Biden’s personal secret state police, according to a poll released Tuesday. The Rasmussen Reports survey showed that 61% of likely Republican voters believe the FBI is acting as Mr. Biden’s “Gestapo,” a term for the secret police … The Washington Times stories: White House


How Conspiracy Theories Became More Personal, More Cruel And More Mainstream After The Sandy Hook Shootings

<p class=”is-style-sans-serif”><em>This article is part of&nbsp;<a href=”https://talkingpointsmemo.com/cafe”>TPM Cafe</a>, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. It first appeared at&nbsp;<a href=”https://theconversation.com/how-conspiracy-theories-in-the-us-became-more-personal-more-cruel-and-more-mainstream-after-the-sandy-hook-shootings-172015″>The Conversation</a>.</em></p> <p>Conspiracy theories are powerful forces in the U.S. They have damaged public health amid a global pandemic, shaken faith in the democratic process and <a href=”https://abcnews.go.com/US/qanon-emerges-recurring-theme-criminal-cases-tied-us/story?id=75347445″>helped spark</a> a violent assault on the U.S. Capitol in January 2021.</p> <p>These conspiracy theories are part of a dangerous misinformation crisis that has been building for years in the U.S.</p> <p>American politics has long had a <a href=”https://harpers.org/archive/1964/11/the-paranoid-style-in-american-politics/”>paranoid streak</a>, and belief in conspiracy…