What the DeSantis and Newsom Debate Really Revealed

The best way to understand last week’s unusual debate between Governors Gavin Newsom of California and Ron DeSantis of Florida is to think of them less as representatives of different political parties than as ambassadors from different countries. Thursday night’s debate on Fox News probably won’t much change the arc of either man’s career. DeSantis is still losing altitude in the 2024 GOP presidential race, and Newsom still faces years of auditioning before Democratic leaders and voters for a possible 2028 presidential-nomination run. What the debate did reveal was how…


What the Georgia Runoff Revealed

Senator Raphael Warnock’s win in yesterday’s Georgia Senate runoff capped a commanding show of strength by Democrats in the states that decided the 2020 race for the White House—and will likely pick the winner again in 2024. With Warnock’s victory over Republican Herschel Walker, Democrats have defeated every GOP Senate and gubernatorial candidate endorsed by Donald Trump this year in the five states that flipped from supporting him in 2016 to backing Joe Biden in 2020: Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona. Coming even amid widespread discontent over the economy,…


2021’s Climate Disasters Revealed An East-West Divide

<p class=”is-style-sans-serif”><em>This article is part of&nbsp;<a href=”https://talkingpointsmemo.com/cafe”>TPM Cafe</a>, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. It first appeared at&nbsp;<a href=”https://theconversation.com/2021s-climate-disasters-revealed-an-east-west-weather-divide-with-one-side-of-the-country-too-wet-the-other-dangerously-dry-173402″>The Conversation</a>.</em></p> <p>Alongside a lingering global pandemic, the year 2021 was filled with climate disasters, some so intense they surprised even the scientists who study them.</p> <p>Extreme rainstorms turned to raging flash floods that <a href=”https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/heavy-rainfall-which-led-to-severe-flooding-in-western-europe-made-more-likely-by-climate-change/”>swept through mountain towns in Europe</a>, killing <a href=”https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58992093″>over 200 people</a>. Across Asia, <a href=”https://reliefweb.int/report/afghanistan/over-57-million-affected-climate-disasters-across-asia-pacific-2021″>excessive rainfall inundated wide areas</a> and flooded <a href=”https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/07/21/china-floods-subway-people-trapped/”>subway stations in China</a>. Heat waves shattered records in <a href=”https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/western-north-american-extreme-heat-virtually-impossible-without-human-caused-climate-change/”>the Pacific Northwest</a>, <a…


Members of Congress visit migrant detention centers in Texas hours after report revealed offensive comments by Border Patrol agents – The Texas Tribune

Members of Congress visit migrant detention centers in Texas hours after report revealed offensive comments by Border Patrol agents  The Texas Tribune Congress members say migrant women being told to drink from toilet at El Paso facility  cbs4local.com Congressional Hispanic Caucus investigates Clint Border Patrol station  El Paso Times Lawmakers including Ocasio-Cortez lash out over conditions following border facility tours  CNN Dems call for firing Border Patrol agents over ‘vile’ Facebook posts  POLITICO View full coverage on Google News “us congress” – Google News