Mall of America Security Order Man to Take Off ‘Jesus Saves’ T-shirt or Leave Mall

Mall security guards at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, ordered a man to remove his “Jesus Saves” t-shirt or leave the mall, footage shows. “I didn’t do anything,” the man, Paul Shoro, told The Daily Signal in a Facebook message on Tuesday. “They forced me to take off my shirt.” The mall later said security later allowed Shoro to remain in the mall while wearing the shirt. Bystander Kameko Rawls took footage of the incident, which has since gone viral on social media. In the video of the…


Sec. Buttigieg insists use of private planes more efficient, saves money, for some DOT travel

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has reportedly taken at least 18 flights on taxpayer-funded private planes since taking office despite his push to curb carbon emissions and criticism of his predecessors for using private travel. The Washington Times stories: White House


Presidential Hocus-Pocus Saves Planet. Reality Check Begs to Differ.

Once upon a time, the intercom buzzed in the Oval Office. “Mark P. Mills is here, sir,” said America’s most powerful secretary. “He’s a senior fellow with the Manhattan Institute.” Mills stepped into the Oval Office and approached the Resolute Desk. “Good morning, sir.” The president of the United States, gently tanned after a soothing fortnight at the beach, said: “Be seated.” “I just dissected the Inflation Reduction Act,” Mills said. “Frankly, IRA’s ‘clean energy’ provisions will make you spoil the Earth to save it.”  “I’m listening,” POTUS grumbled. “I brought…