McCarthy and Complicit Caucus Republicans Keep Choosing to Stick with Admitted Fraudster Santos

Washington, D.C. – In response to House Republicans failing to expel Representative George Santos from Congress, MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement: “George Santos belongs in a courtroom—not in Congress—and he needs to be removed from office immediately. Kevin McCarthy is trying to hang on to his razor-thin majority by dragging out and delaying his responsibility to expel George Santos from Congress. Kicking this responsibility over to the Ethics Committee at this point is just a delay tactic to preserve MAGA Republican power and continue…


Frustrated drivers at gas stations stick it to Biden with ‘I did that!’ decals

Consumers angry with soaring gas prices are placing stickers on gas pumps with an image of President Biden saying “I did that!” as he points to the total price paid by the driver. And stickers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, saying “I helped,” are placed right next to … The Washington Times stories: White House