Amy’s Kitchen betrays its supposed progressive values, this week in the war on workers

Calls for a boycott of Amy’s Kitchen vegetarian products spread this week. Workers at the company have said they face long hours and unsafe working conditions, and they’re working with the Teamsters to file a workplace safety complaint with Cal/OSHA. The Teamsters are also challenging Amy’s B Corp certification, noting that B Corps’ alleged values include that “business ought to be conducted as if people and place mattered.” YouTube Video <p>●&nbsp;<a href=””>Workers at three Amazon warehouses staged walkouts</a>, demanding a $ 3 an hour raise, Lauren Kaori Gurley reports.</p> <p>●&nbsp;</p> <div…


Senate passes resolution blocking Biden admin’s vaccine mandate for health care workers

<p><em>To listen to the Federal Newscast on your phone or mobile device, subscribe in <a href=””>PodcastOne</a> or <a href=”″>Apple Podcasts</a>. The best listening experience on desktop can be found using Chrome, Firefox or Safari.</em></p> <ul> <li>A board crucial to federal employees has a quorum, after a long period of vacancy. The Senate has confirmed two of three nominees for the Merit Systems Protection Board, which, among other things, hears appeals of adverse employment actions. The board has lacked a quorum for more than 1,800 days, about five years. Senators approved Ray Limon and…