ICYMI: New York Times and NBC News Report Skyrocketing Demand for MoveOn’s “Trump is a Felon” Stickers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As reported last night in The New York Times and on NBC News, MoveOn Political Action has taken orders for more than 50,000 “Trump is a Felon” stickers and counting—a request rate of ten times more than what the group’s membership has made in recent years. In just the first 10 minutes after the former president was found guilty on all 34 counts, more than 10,000 stickers were ordered. Less than three hours later, demand had surpassed 25,000 orders. 

The extremely high demand underscores that the Democratic base is energized to defeat Trump this fall. Yesterday’s verdict represents a small degree of justice against Trump and his enablers, and now millions of MoveOn members will keep up their work to guarantee that he loses at the ballot box, too.

Donald Trump Felon Guilty


MoveOn is celebrating 25 years of people-powered progress this year. For more than a generation, MoveOn has built independent political power and mobilized the left to elect Democrats and enact progressive change. MoveOn is a bulwark against the radical right, channeling our collective voices to drive progressive foreign policy, protect democracy, and advance justice for all.

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