CORRECT THE RECORD: Jill Stein Is a Climate Hypocrite Who Cannot Be Trusted

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, MoveOn Political Action called out Jill Stein’s hypocritical environmental rights record—proving that she is a climate fraud who personally profits from Big Oil companies like ExxonMobil and Chevron. 

“While Vice President Kamala Harris fought to pass historic climate legislation, Jill Stein opposed the Biden-Harris administration’s historic and bipartisan deal that is already creating millions of new green jobs and investing billions of dollars in clean-energy projects,” said Britt Jacovich, spokesperson for MoveOn Political Action. “Stein is a climate hypocrite, and any votes for her will help elect Donald Trump and give Big Oil the green light to continue destroying our environment. With so much at stake in this election, the choice is clear: Vice President Harris will move our country forward and tackle climate change by lowering emissions, expanding access to green energy, and holding polluters accountable.” 




In 2016, Stein’s vote tally was enough to make the difference in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, flipping the Electoral College from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump. Now, Republicans are boosting her campaign as a means of helping Donald Trump and furthering their Project 2025 plan. 

  • Recent reports show how Republican operatives are propping up Stein’s campaign in key states across the country—Trump allies actually publicly stated they were plotting to spoil the election against President Biden by backing third-party candidates, including Jill Stein, Cornel West, and RFK Jr. 
  • Stein was supported by Russia in 2016, and Internet Research Agency, the firm run by a close ally of Putin, tweeted the phrase “Jill Stein” more than 1,000 times around the time of the election, and Stein touted their propaganda in return. 
  • Even Stein acknowledged that Trump needs a spoiler candidate: “Trump wants a 2016 rerun.”
  • Donald Trump praised Stein at a rally in Pennsylvania: “Cornel West—he’s one of my favorite candidates. I like her also—Jill Stein. You know why? She takes 100% from them. He takes 100%. Kennedy—probably 50-50.” 


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