US Democrats: Grassroots Action Key to 2018 Election Wins – Voice of America

Voice of America US Democrats: Grassroots Action Key to 2018 Election WinsVoice of AmericaYasmin Radjy finished graduate studies at one of the country's top schools, Harvard University, and began mobilizing local efforts in Virginia to elect Democratic, progressive candidates. Radjy said she soon learned that bookwork often doesn't equate …and more » us democrats – Google News


US Democrats Say Key to 2018 Election Wins Is Grass-roots Action – Voice of America

Voice of America US Democrats Say Key to 2018 Election Wins Is Grass-roots ActionVoice of AmericaYasmin Radjy finished graduate studies at one of the country's top schools, Harvard University, and began mobilizing local efforts in Virginia to elect Democratic, progressive candidates. Radjy said she soon learned that bookwork often doesn't equate …and more » us democrats – Google News


North Korea: Trump says he is prepared to take ‘devastating’ military action to end tensions – The Independent

The Independent North Korea: Trump says he is prepared to take 'devastating' military action to end tensionsThe IndependentDonald Trump has said that the US is ready with a "military option" to end the crisis with North Korea in the latest chapter of the escalating rhetoric between the two countries. "We are totally prepared for the second option, not a preferred option …Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of …Twitter all 6,092 news articles » us politics – Google…