The Four Quadrants of American Politics

Control of the House of Representatives could teeter precariously for years as each party consolidates its dominance over mirror-image demographic strongholds. That’s the clearest conclusion of a new analysis of the demographic and economic characteristics of all 435 congressional districts, conducted by the Equity Research Institute at the University of Southern California in conjunction with The Atlantic. Based on census data, the analysis finds that Democrats now hold a commanding edge over the GOP in seats where the share of residents who are nonwhite, the share of white adults with…


MoveOn: Biden’s State of the Union a “Bold, People-First Playbook to Finish the Job and Deliver for the American People”

Washington, D.C. – Statement from MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting on tonight’s State of the Union address by President Biden: “Tonight, the American people heard President Biden detail the hard-fought progress of the last two years to build an economy that works for everyone, defend our democracy,  lower unemployment, and rebuild our nation from the pandemic. On everything from making health care more affordable to fighting climate change and protecting Social Security and Medicare, the president shared a bold, people-first playbook to finish the job and deliver for the American…


American Religion Is Not Dead Yet

Take a drive down Main Street of just about any major city in the country, and—with the housing market ground to a halt—you might pass more churches for sale than homes. This phenomenon isn’t likely to change anytime soon; according to the author of a 2021 report on the future of religion in America, 30 percent of congregations are not likely to survive the next 20 years. Add in declining attendance and dwindling affiliation rates, and you’d be forgiven for concluding that American religion is heading toward extinction. But the…


Conservatism and the American Future

On this Saturday edition of “The Daily Signal Podcast,” three guests join us to discuss fault lines and emerging issues within American conservatism regarding culture, economics, and how the decline of important institutions continues to roil our society. Our trio of commentators include Sam Gregg, research director at the Acton Institute; Arthur Milikh, executive director of the Center for the American Way of Life at the Claremont Institute; and Catherine Pakaluk, associate professor of economics at The Catholic University of America. “We’re not living in the America of the 1980s,”…


Black American Triumphs Outweigh Our Tragedies

It always seems as if the tragedies of black Americans—instead of our triumphs—remain center stage in the media. Discussions of our history focus on the tragedies of slavery, but seldom mention the ancient African civilizations ruling the world by the power of their wealth, intelligence, and strength. Archaeological studies of these civilizations have produced breakthrough discoveries and facts that somehow never reach the dinner table in black American homes. Media stories about present-day black America often remind us of a traumatic past, highlighting criminal activity and confrontations with law enforcement.…


Debunking the American Left’s Biggest Myths About Europe

Remember when Sen. Bernie Sanders pointed to Europe as the solution for America’s problems? “I think we should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden and Norway,” Sanders, I-Vt., said during a 2016 presidential debate, “and learn what they have accomplished for their working people.” He’s not alone. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said, “What we have in mind and what my policies most closely resemble are what we see in the U.K., Norway, in Finland, in Sweden.” These self-proclaimed socialists profess that a European model is superior to the United…