The typical US Congress member is 12 times richer than the typical American household – Quartz

Quartz The typical US Congress member is 12 times richer than the typical American householdQuartzEvery year, members of US Congress are required to report on the value of their households' income and assets. The data reveal that the lawmakers, who just passed a massive tax cut, are a very rich bunch. In 2015, the most recent year for which Quartz … us congress – Google News


LUPICA: Sens. Tom Cotton and David Perdue are the latest examples of the lack of guts in American politics – New York Daily News

New York Daily News LUPICA: Sens. Tom Cotton and David Perdue are the latest examples of the lack of guts in American politicsNew York Daily NewsIt is because those in power, starting with those elected and entrusted to look out for the rest of us, so often only look out for each other. Their cockeyed idea of service so often involves only serving their own ambitions, or agendas. Or both. So …GOP senator: 'Gross misrepresentation' of Trump's 'shithole' remarksCNN all 93 news articles » us politics – Google News


A Senior Republican Senator Admonishes Trump: ‘American Is an Idea, Not a Race’ – New York Times

New York Times A Senior Republican Senator Admonishes Trump: 'American Is an Idea, Not a Race'New York TimesWASHINGTON — It was just after President Trump had finished railing in the Oval Office against African immigrants he said came from “shithole countries” when a senior Republican senator, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who was there to negotiate a …Trump is transforming the GOP against legal immigration. Will Congress follow?Los Angeles Times Few Republicans Acknowledged Trump's 'Shithole' SlurHuffPostDonald Trump faces furious backlash from world leaders, Republicans and his own diplomats over 'sh**hole'…


Trump, the Insurgent, Breaks With 70 Years of American Foreign Policy – New York Times

New York Times Trump, the Insurgent, Breaks With 70 Years of American Foreign PolicyNew York TimesMr. Trump granted an enormous concession to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he announced this month that the United States would formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. But he did not ask anything of Mr. Netanyahu in return. That …and more » us politics – Google News


The Republican Party is revitalizing the American economy under Trump – The Hill

The Hill The Republican Party is revitalizing the American economy under TrumpThe HillThe Trump administration's regulatory rollback has ignited business and consumer optimism, driving economic growth at pace few anticipated. Having passed tax reform, Republicans are looking to pick up the pace by further encouraging businesses …GOP Business Tax Cuts Force Other Countries to CompeteNational Review all 70 news articles » us republicans – Google News


US President Donald Trump sent Christmas well-wishes to American troops stationed around the globe – US President Donald Trump sent Christmas well-wishes to American troops stationed around the President Donald Trump sent Christmas well-wishes to American troops stationed around the globe. DONALD Trump has warmed up for Christmas as only he can, tweeting against his adversaries, playing golf, and chatting with children anxious to know when …How Donald Trump Lost the 'War on Christmas'Haaretz In call to troops, Trump says America is saying Merry Christmas "very proudly"CBS NewsPresident Trump sends Christmas greetings to US troops abroadFOX31 DenverUSA TODAY –Financial Expressall 248 news articles » us…