The GOP Tax Plan Tells Us Everything About Who Matters In American Democracy – HuffPost

HuffPost The GOP Tax Plan Tells Us Everything About Who Matters In American DemocracyHuffPostLast year, the genius and muscle of the American people generated more than $ 18.6 trillion in wealth. This year, our brains and brawn will combine to create well over $ 19 trillion. Despite all the debt theatrics of the Republican Party during the Obama …Republicans unveil tax cut bill, but the hard work awaitsReuters Republican Plan Delivers Permanent Corporate Tax Cut – The New …New York TimesUS Republicans unveil Trump tax reform billDeutsche WelleVoice of America –Yahoo Financeall…


How Russia Harvested American Rage to Reshape US Politics – New York Times

New York Times How Russia Harvested American Rage to Reshape US PoliticsNew York TimesA New York Times examination of hundreds of those posts shows that one of the most powerful weapons that Russian agents used to reshape American politics was the anger, passion and misinformation that real Americans were broadcasting across social …Google Unearths Russia-Backed Ads Related to US Politics on Its PlatformsWall Street Journal Google uncovers Russian-bought ads on YouTube, Gmail and other platformsWashington PostRussia Recruited YouTubers to Bash 'Racist B*tch' Hillary Clinton Over Rap BeatsDaily Beastall 201 news articles »…


Is US Congress Declaring War on WikiLeaks? – The American Conservative

The American Conservative Is US Congress Declaring War on WikiLeaks?The American ConservativeIt seems that nearly every week Congress outdoes itself in passing bills that are intended to pummel one foreign adversary or another. Russia and Iran have become particular favorites with nary a dissenting voice when new sanctions are put in place, …and more » us congress – Google News


Billionaires Now Own American Politics – Mother Jones

Mother Jones Billionaires Now Own American PoliticsMother JonesNot since the days before a bumbling crew of would-be break-in artists set into motion the fabled Watergate scandal, leading to the first far-reaching restrictions on money in American politics, have you been so free to meddle. There is no limit to the … us politics – Google News


Plato, Ancient Greek Philosopher v. Today’s American Republican Party – Huffington Post

Plato, Ancient Greek Philosopher v. Today's American Republican PartyHuffington PostThe Republican Party claims to be the Party of small government, unfettered conservatism, and low taxes. Most recently, they have even developed an unusual affection for austerity programs, an impulse that is certainly consistent with their core values … us republicans – Google News