UNIAN US Congress proposes enlarge assistance to Ukraine in 2019UNIAN"The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations approved the subcommittee draft of the fiscal year 2019 Defense Appropriations bill where $ 250 million is provided to assist Ukraine in the security sphere, including defensive weapons.US Congress mulling increase of assistance to Ukraine in 2019 – embassyInterfax-Ukraine US Congress offers enlarge aid for Ukraine in 2019112 International (blog)all 5 news articles » us congress – Google News
Charleston Post Courier US Rep. Mark Sanford one of 69 Republicans who voted against hurricane relief, wildfire assistanceCharleston Post CourierNearly a month after their own state faced the fury of Tropical Storm Irma, three South Carolina Republicans voted against a $ 36.5 billion aid package Thursday to provide financial relief after the recent hurricanes and California wildfires. U.S. Reps. us republicans – Google News