The Research Behind MoveOn’s Member-Driven Election Strategy

The stakes of the 2024 election are sky-high: Our democracy is under attack, our rights have been rolled back by a right-wing-packed Supreme Court, and MAGA Republicans continue to wreak havoc in state governments. Our goal in 2024 is to reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris, protect the Senate, and secure a Democratic majority in the House. To do this, we’ve identified the specific voters, known as surge voters, who can deliver a victory in the key states and districts across the country. These voters started voting after 2016,…


The Logic Behind Biden’s Refusal to Negotiate the Debt Ceiling

President Joe Biden has already made the most important domestic-policy decision he’ll likely face this year. Biden and his top advisers have repeatedly indicated that they will reject demands from the new GOP majority in the House of Representatives to link increasing the debt ceiling with cutting federal spending. Instead, Biden is insisting that Congress pass a clean debt-ceiling increase, with no conditions attached. [Annie Lowrey: The trillion-dollar coin might be the least bad option] Biden’s refusal to negotiate with Republicans now is rooted in the Obama administration’s experiences in…


Ukraine crisis shows Biden behind the curve again, critics say

President Biden finds himself in a familiar spot after Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine: playing catch-up. The commander in chief waited until after the invasion to start ordering sanctions against Russia for the unfolding military clash. It’s the latest instance when Mr. Biden’s lagging responses make it harder for … The Washington Times stories: White House