Hotel Owners Ambushed by Politics in Saudi Arabia, China, US – Bloomberg

Bloomberg Hotel Owners Ambushed by Politics in Saudi Arabia, China, USBloombergHotels used to be gauged by the campaign strategy that won the presidency for Bill Clinton: it's the economy, stupid. Nowadays, politics may determine their future. The latest upheaval came with the arrest over the weekend of billionaire Saudi Prince …and more » us politics – Google News


US Voters Say Trump Has Achieved Little, But Republicans Loyal – Bloomberg

Bloomberg US Voters Say Trump Has Achieved Little, But Republicans LoyalBloombergTrump has a 79 percent approval rating among Republicans, down from 88 percent at the time of his election. Some 61 percent of Americans say Democratic leaders — hopeful of making gains in 2018 midterm elections — are mainly criticizing Trump without …Republicans' tax overhaul pitch faces skeptical public, Post-ABC poll findsWashington Post all 46 news articles » us republicans – Google News