PERVERSE: Your Tax Dollars Must Continue Funding Experimental Transgender ‘Treatments,’ Judges Rule

Did you know that your tax dollars have been funding experimental “transgender” medical interventions that leave kids stunted, scarred, and infertile? Did you know that when President Donald Trump tried to put a stop to it, activist groups and Democrat attorneys general sued, and judges ordered the administration to keep funding these Frankensteinian “treatments”? It’s hard to overstate just how egregious a medical scandal this is. Activists use the gaslighting term “gender-affirming care” to hide the ugly truth. In the name of medicine, doctors are altering the chemistry of boys…


How the government spends a billion dollars a year on advertising

The federal government is among the biggest spenders on advertising. At about $ 1.3 billion a year, it’s in the top 25 U.S. spenders. The Government Accountability Office has new analysis of which agencies spend the most on advertising, and the companies they spend it with. GAO’s Director of Strategic Issues Jessica Lucas-Judy joins the Federal Drive with Tom Temin. Interview transcript: Tom Temin Jessica Lucas-Judy. Ms. Lucas-Judy, what prompted GAO to look at something that in the grand scheme of things is not that big of a deal? Spending…


Social Security Administration asks for billions more dollars to do its job

Best listening experience is on Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Subscribe to Federal Drive’s daily audio interviews on Apple Podcasts or PodcastOne. The Social Security Administration said the $ 400 million that Congress gave the agency through December is not enough to fix many of its workforce problems. To make long-term improvements, SSA said it will need the White House’s $ 14.8 billion budget request. That’s a $ 1.4 billion increase over 2022. The funding would go in part toward hiring thousands of more employees and modernizing IT. The American Federation of Government Employees…


Meet the guy who oversaw the recovery of more than a billion dollars of stolen pandemic relief

Best listening experience is on Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Subscribe to Federal Drive’s daily audio interviews on Apple Podcasts or PodcastOne. The government showed how fast it could spend money when  Congress printed trillions for pandemic relief. Well, now it’s the morning after. Our next guest led a nationwide criminal investigation that so far has clawed back more than a billion dollars anyway, awarded to frauds under the Paycheck Protection Program and prevented maybe twice that much from going out in the first place. He’s an assistant special agent in charge with the…


Biden Picks Major Recipient of Pfizer Research Dollars to Oversee Cancer Institute 

President Joe Biden’s choice to lead the National Cancer Institute received $ 290.8 million in research funding from pharmaceutical giant Pfizer over her career as an oncologist and scientist, according to data uncovered by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project. Last week, the White House announced Biden’s appointment of Dr. Monica Bertagnolli to be the first woman to serve as director of the National Cancer Institute. Bertagnolli will be the 16th person to hold the position, which doesn’t require Senate confirmation.  The cancer institute is the largest of the 19 institutes…