‘Vibe Shift’ Is Real But the Left Is as Unhinged as Ever

The Democrat Party is controlled by the woke Left and one seismic election loss isn’t going to change that. Right now, they are in chaos and looking for answers about how to wiggle their way back into power. On one hand, you have congressional Democrats making fools of themselves by using the absurd protest tactics of the college campus Left and embracing cringing TikTok-style social media campaigns that were only briefly trendy three years ago. On the other hand, you have a few clever politicians with national aspirations—like California Gov. Gavin Newsom—who…


Abraham Accords Needed ‘More Than Ever’ as Israel-Hamas War Escalates

The escalating Israel-Hamas war means that the Abraham Accords between Israel and two former enemies in the Middle East “are needed now more than ever,” Jared Kushner said in a post last week on social media. Kushner should know. As a top White House aide as well as son-in-law to then-President Donald Trump, Kushner was instrumental in achieving the Abraham Accords, which normalized relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and between Israel and Bahrain. I joined former Italian Prime Minister @matteorenzi this morning at #FII7 to discuss conflict…


Why federal employees are watching the political landscape more than ever

If you wonder why federal employees worry, along with everyone else, consider: mini financial crises, a stubbornly bear stock market, no breakthroughs on Social Security solvency, and the debt-ceiling debate dragging out. For one point of view, the Federal Drive with Tom Temin talked with John Hatton, vice president for Policy at the National Association of Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE). Interview transcript: Tom Temin People are concerned. I actually had a reader write to me asking, well, our TSP funds insured? Unfortunately, no. And nobody’s investments are insured yet,…


Iowa Is Closer Than Ever to Losing Its Place

Every few years for the past four decades, Iowa’s prime placement in American politics has come under threat. The arguments against Iowa’s outsize role in choosing each party’s nominee for president are always the same: The state is too white—90.6 percent white, to be exact—making it completely unrepresentative of the American electorate. Caucuses are messy and volunteer-led, meaning that the process is vulnerable to all kinds of problems (see the great caucus disaster of 2020). Plus, it’s cold as hell in February in Iowa, not exactly the weather most conducive…