DOJ Charges 2 More Pro-Life Women With FACE Act Violations

The Justice Department announced Friday it is charging two more pro-life women with violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. Bevelyn Beatty Williams, 31, and Edmee Chavannes, 41, are accused of trying to stop abortions from taking place, thereby violating the FACE Act in what the DOJ described as “a multi-year campaign to interfere with individuals seeking to obtain and provide lawful reproductive health services in New York and in several other states.” In one instance, according to FBI Assistant Director in Charge of the New…


Woke Corporations Face Backlash From Conservative States

Conservative states have a warning for corporations that have “gone woke”: The consequences of political activism are no longer one-sided. This month, West Virginia declared it would no longer do business with five Wall Street banks over the companies’ anti-coal or anti-fossil fuel policies. “You have your right to be able to boycott the fossil fuel industry, but we’re not going to do business with you. We’re not going to pay for our own destruction,” State Treasurer Riley Moore said. “They’ve weaponized tax dollars against the very people and industries that…


In Face of Big Tech Censorship, Free Speech Alternatives Emerge Online

Big Tech actors like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube feel increasingly comfortable banning conservative voices from their platforms. But as Big Tech is willing to censor conservatives for their speech, other platforms devoted to free expression are starting to fill the gap. The director of The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Technology Policy, Lora Ries, contends that as long as these big platforms continue to censor dissent, alternative platforms will crop up to try to serve as alternatives. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.) “The new CEO…


3 of Biggest Issues Conservatives Face in 2022

We’re just one week into 2022 and already political debates are heating up in Washington over election integrity, the Senate filibuster, and spending, among other things. It’s clear that 2022 will be a significant year in the fight for American liberty. Jessica Anderson, Heritage Action for America executive director, says conservatives will face at least three major battles in the year ahead. (Heritage Action is the grassroots partner organization of The Heritage Foundation, of which The Daily Signal is the news outlet.) “The fight to protect the sanctity of life, I…