Congress Is Finally Done With the War in Yemen – Foreign Policy

Congress Is Finally Done With the War in Yemen  Foreign Policy Congress passes historic resolution to end US support for Saudi-led war in Yemen On Yemen, Congress has Spoken. It Wants the U.S. Out. Now the Ball is in Trump’s Court.  The Intercept Yemen war: Congress votes to end US military assistance to Saudi Arabia  The Guardian Congress must assert war powers role beyond Yemen: Sanders and Lee  USA TODAY View full coverage on Google News “us congress” – Google News


Democrats Are Finally Splitting With Republicans on Terrorism-Focused Foreign Policy – New York Magazine

New York Magazine Democrats Are Finally Splitting With Republicans on Terrorism-Focused Foreign PolicyNew York MagazinePresidential campaigns are generally where an American political party's foreign policy messages are worked out and divisions are explored or resolved. For Democrats, there are already signs that eight years of largely deferring to Barack Obama and two …It's the Democrats Who Have a Freedom Agenda NowSlate Magazine all 2 news articles » us democrats – Google News


Congress finally has a bill to regulate Facebook. Here’s what it says. – Quartz

Quartz Congress finally has a bill to regulate Facebook. Here's what it says.QuartzThe US Congress wants to regulate Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other internet companies like broadcasting companies. Three US senators will introduce the “Honest Ads Act” tomorrow (Oct. 19) that would essentially make these companies follow the …and more » us congress – Google News