Trump says Ukraine peace deal will happen ‘fairly quickly or not at all’

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer pressed President Trump for a stronger U.S. commitment to protecting Ukraine if the war ends and warned his U.S. counterpart not to reward Russian President Vladimir Putin in any peace deal. But in Oval Office talks and a later press conference, Mr. Trump publicly brushed aside those pleas insisting that it was now or never to negotiate an end to the brutal war. The Washington Times stories: White House


What will happen now that Congress bought itself a week or two on the budget?

It is not what contractors or most federal employees wanted, but Congress did manage to avoid a partial government shutdown last week. They only pushed the deadline out a week or two, in order to buy time to consider budget bills. For the outlook on the week ahead, the Federal Drive with Tom Temin spoke with Bloomberg Government Deputy News Director Loren Duggan. Interview Transcript:   Tom Temin  And, Loren, before all of this, of course, we have been going back and forth with the fact that the bills are out…


Russia increasing troops at Ukraine border; invasion could happen at any time, White House says

Russia is amassing new forces at the Ukraine border and an invasion could begin “any day,” including during the Winter Olympics, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Friday. “We are in the window when an invasion could begin at any time should [Russian President] Vladimir Putin decide to … The Washington Times stories: White House


Former US President Donald Trump: Crypto Is A Disaster Waiting To Happen – Benzinga – Benzinga

Former US President Donald Trump: Crypto Is A Disaster Waiting To Happen – Benzinga  Benzinga Former US President Donald Trump Says Cryptocurrency is a ‘Disaster Waiting to Happen’  Gadgets 360 Former US president calls crypto a ‘disaster waiting to happen’  Cointelegraph Former US President Donald Trump: Cryptocurrencies Are ‘a Disaster Waiting to Happen’ – Featured Bitcoin News  Bitcoin News View Full Coverage on Google News “us president” – Google News


Here’s what would happen to US politics if Puerto Rico became a state – CNN

CNN Here's what would happen to US politics if Puerto Rico became a stateCNNSome critics of the federal government's response have raised concerns that help to the island is lagging because it is a US territory and not a state. (Residents on the island are US citizens.) Puerto Ricans voted for statehood in a low-turnout …Trump: 'We'll Be There' for Puerto Rico, a Day After Critical MessagesNew York Times all 1,843 news articles » us politics – Google News