2024’s Winners and Losers: Year in Review

For those of us in the news business, 2024 provided a steady stream of stories to cover—and rarely a dull moment. From the Republican primaries early in the year to the assassination attempts and political conventions this summer, our Daily Signal team stayed busy through Election Day and in the days that followed. During his first term as president, Donald Trump provided a plethora of political and policy news for us to report. We expect the same will be true in 2025. But before we turn the page on this…


US Democrats Are Losers, Russian Foreign Minister Says, Echoing Donald Trump – Newsweek

Newsweek US Democrats Are Losers, Russian Foreign Minister Says, Echoing Donald TrumpNewsweekThe politicians in the U.S. Democratic Party are losers and don't have the guts to accept that they lost the 2016 presidential election, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an exclusive interview with Britain's Channel 4 Friday. Using …and more » us democrats – Google News