Trump Is Making the Midterms a Referendum on Himself

When the 2022 midterm elections are appraised less than a year from now, the Washington commentariat will in all likelihood render them to have been a devastating blow to Joe Biden’s presidency. Barring a historic anomaly, Democrats will have lost at least one chamber of Congress, Biden’s remaining legislative goals will be placed on life support, and the growing anguish over the party’s 2024 presidential nominee will transform into a panic. Yet even sooner than that, a slice of the most reliable voters will also deliver a tangible verdict on…


The Sausage Making: Biden Says He And Manchin ‘Are Going To Get Something Done’

<p><em>Your intermittent briefing on negotiations over the reconciliation bill.</em></p> <p>President Joe Biden told reporters Tuesday that he still thinks “there’s a possibility of getting Build Back Better done.”</p> <p>When asked if Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) had broken his word, Biden opted for diplomacy.&nbsp;</p> <p>“Senator Manchin and I are going to get something done,” he said.&nbsp;</p> <div class=”wp-block-tpm-separator undefined TpmSeparator”></div> <h2><strong>No Bridges Burnt?</strong></h2> <ul><li>Biden isn’t the only one keeping lines of communication open with Manchin (“Some people think maybe I’m not Irish because I don’t hold a grudge,” Biden quipped.)&nbsp;</li><li>Rep. Pramila…


Former U.S. President Clinton making progress but will remain in hospital – Reuters

Former U.S. President Clinton making progress but will remain in hospital  Reuters Former U.S. President Bill Clinton making progress but will remain in hospital  The Hindu Bill Clinton: Former US president in hospital for ‘non-Covid infection’  BBC News Former US President Bill Clinton to remain hospitalised until Sunday  Business Standard Former US President Bill Clinton hospitalized with blood infection  BNO News View Full Coverage on Google News “us president” – Google News