Key takeaways, trends from GAO’s 2024 bid protest report

Every fall, the Government Accountability Office fulfills its obligations under the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984 (CICA) and reports to Congress the number of bid protests that were filed in the previous fiscal year. GAO’s annual report also identifies each instance in which a federal agency did not fully implement a recommendation made by GAO in connection with a bid protest during the prior year, and each instance in which a final decision in a protest was not rendered within 100 days after the date the protest was submitted…


Military Colonel Resigns Post in Protest Against Biden’s Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Policy

A military officer is retiring from service in protest against the Biden administration’s abortion policies. According to Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Col. Dillon R. Patterson voluntarily resigned from his position as the commander of the 188th Wing of the Arkansas Air National Guard on Dec. 18. In a letter Sanders addressed to President Joe Biden and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, she explained, “Unfortunately, Col. Patterson was forced to personally choose between either continuing his command or adhering to his sincerely held religious beliefs against abortion.” She continued, “Because he adhered…


MoveOn Members Protest at Fox’s Upfront and Rally to Stop Funding Fox

This week, Fox hosted its biggest pitch of the year to potential advertisers, hoping to woo massive ad buys to bankroll its lie-riddled programming. We all know that this event comes mere weeks after Fox News agreed to the largest lawsuit settlement in U.S. media history and fired Tucker Carlson. Together, we made sure that Fox’s potential advertisers don’t forget that that is the same brand they are being asked to fund. Here’s a quick snapshot of what advertisers saw on Monday: MoveOn members protested outside Fox’s New York City…


What I Saw at the Women’s March ‘Summer of Rage’ Protest

Protests around the nation continue in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and return the issue of abortion to the American people. On Saturday, feminist organization Women’s March marched their way from a park to the fence in front of the White House, buffeted by rain all the while. The protesters began by gathering at Franklin Square 10 minutes away from the White House. They listened to a series of speeches by protest leaders before eventually leaving the park. Here at Franklin Park about…