Moderation Is Not the Same Thing as Surrender

Before this month’s elections, when Democratic candidates were being attacked for letting transgender athletes compete in girls’ sports, trans-rights activists and their allies had a confident answer: They had nothing to fear, because anti-trans themes were a consistent loser for Republicans. That position became impossible to maintain after the elections, when detailed research showed that the issue had done tremendous damage to Kamala Harris and other Democrats. In fact, the third-most-common reason swing voters and late deciders in one survey gave for opposing Harris was that she “is focused more…


EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Porn Star Finds Faith, Says Her ‘Life Will Never Be the Same’

A former pornography star and “creator,” Bree Solstad, entered a Catholic church on Saturday. “I wept with abundant joy after I first received the body and blood of Jesus,” she told The Daily Signal on Thursday. “My life will never be the same.”   Known on X, formerly Twitter, as “Miss B Converted,” Solstad posted her conversion announcement on Jan. 1. “I have decided to quit sex work. To repent of my innumerable sins. To give up my life of sin, wealth, vice, and vain self-obsession,” she wrote. “This is a…


Political Campaigns May Never Be the Same

Depending on whom you ask in politics, the sudden advances in artificial intelligence will either transform American democracy for the better or bring about its ruin. At the moment, the doomsayers are louder. Voice-impersonation technology and deep-fake videos are scaring campaign strategists, who fear that their deployment in the days before the 2024 election could decide the winner. Even some AI developers are worried about what they’ve unleashed: Last week the CEO of the company behind ChatGPT practically begged Congress to regulate his industry. (Whether that was genuine civic-mindedness or…