Greg Abbott continues to blame everyone but himself for his disastrous Operation Lone Star scheme

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star has been an unmitigated disaster, and he’s the one solely to blame for that. He’s the one who decided to use vulnerable asylum-seekers as a primary campaign prop. He’s the one who deployed soldiers to the border scheme. He’s the one who’s forced them to live in deplorable conditions when they could have been at home. Ultimately, it all points back to Abbott. (Personal responsibility, as Republicans used to like to say.) But as a leaked survey has revealed continued discontent among deployed soldiers (aside from…


Republicans back fake guns for kids scheme in Sacha Baron Cohen satire ‘Who is America?’ – Republicans back fake guns for kids scheme in Sacha Baron Cohen satire 'Who is America?'NBCNews.comIn Sacha Baron Cohen's provocative new comedy show, U.S. lawmakers were pranked into backing a fictitious program to teach kindergartners how to use guns to defend themselves in school shootings. The British comedian adopted different personas as he …Sacha Baron Cohen Fools Republicans Into Filming Ad About Arming ToddlersHuffPost US Republicans back fake kindergarten gun scheme in Sacha Baron Cohen satireGMA NewsRepublicans back guns for kids in Sacha Baron Cohen's new showThe Times of IsraelThe Independentall…