Poll: Wide majority of US Democrats, Republican agree on need for gun control, armed security at schools – Business Insider

Business Insider Poll: Wide majority of US Democrats, Republican agree on need for gun control, armed security at schoolsBusiness InsiderNearly 60 percent of gun owners say that the National Rifle Association gun rights advocacy group is either doing "the right amount of work" or it "doesn't do enough" to promote the interests of gun owners. About 30 percent say the NRA is "too …Chris W. Cox- We need to stop dangerous people before they actYouTube NRA says it's waiting to see the bill before taking position on age limits for…


US Congress Must Maintain Global Health Security Agenda Investments – Kaiser Family Foundation

US Congress Must Maintain Global Health Security Agenda InvestmentsKaiser Family Foundation… additional funding on its own, CDC officials' private discussions with House and Senate Republicans have evidently given them little reason to believe that this will occur; well before Trump's budget request was made public, they sent out internal …and more » us congress – Google News


US Democrats push $1 billion bill for election security – Reuters

Reuters US Democrats push $ 1 billion bill for election securityReutersThe Democrats' Election Security Act would allocate $ 1 billion in grants, overseen by the U.S. Election Commission, this year to help states buy voting machines that incorporate backup paper ballots, hire security staff and conduct risk assessments. It …Democrats Want $ 1 Billion to Secure US Elections – GizmodoGizmodo all 31 news articles » us democrats – Google News


US President Donald Trump to name China as a competitor in security speech, officials say – South China Morning Post

South China Morning Post US President Donald Trump to name China as a competitor in security speech, officials saySouth China Morning PostUS President Donald Trump will lay out a new national security strategy on Monday based on his “America first” policy and will, among other items, make clear that China is a competitor, two senior US officials said on Saturday. Trump has praised … us president – Google News


‘Russiagate’ Zealots (Mainly Democrats) Have Become a Major Threat to US National Security – The Nation.

The Nation. 'Russiagate' Zealots (Mainly Democrats) Have Become a Major Threat to US National SecurityThe Nation.What Trump did in Vietnam last week was therefore vitally important and courageous, though uniformly misrepresented by the American mainstream media. Despite unrelenting “Russiagate” attempts led by Democrats to impeach him for “collusion with the …and more » us democrats – Google News