Are budget cuts the best way to fix troubled agencies?

Washington’s ticker tape of controversy has wrapped around several agencies and departments. Republicans in Congress would fix things by cutting their budgets. But is that the best way to cause reform? Not according to the guest of Federal Drive with Tom Temin, former American University Professor Bob Tobias. Interview Transcripts:  Tom Temin And Bob, you’re concerned about what seems to be happening around two agencies, in particular, the IRS and the Office of Personnel Management. The IRS is having its tintinnabulation on Capitol Hill these days. But let’s talk about…


Lawmakers closing ranks on a bipartisan bill to fix VA’s troubled EHR rollout

House and Senate lawmakers from both parties agree the Department of Veterans Affairs’ rollout of a new Electronic Health Record is falling short of expectations. Top Democrats and Republicans on the House and Senate VA committees introduced several EHR reform bills over the past few months. But with the VA back at the bargaining table with Oracle-Cerner, seeking a tougher contract, lawmakers are starting to close ranks on which bill has the best chance of making it through Congress. House VA Committee Ranking Member Mark Takano (D-Calif.) said he’s working…