SHAKE UP CRONYISM: Ted Cruz Weighs in on RFK Vote

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—Sen. Ted Cruz offered a full-throated endorsement to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. “I am going to vote for Bobby Kennedy, because I think he’s a change agent who has the courage to take on some of the corruption at HHS,” the Texas Republican told The Daily Signal in a statement Friday. “Bobby Kennedy is going to shake up the cronyism that has characterized HHS,” Cruz added. “Additionally, a lot of Americans are concerned…


Joe Lieberman Weighs the Trump Risk

Joe Lieberman wants to make one thing clear. “The last thing I’d ever want to be part of,” the former Connecticut senator and onetime vice-presidential nominee told me by phone last week, “is bringing Donald Trump back to the Oval Office.” Democrats have their doubts. Lieberman and his former party have been warring for years, ever since he won a fourth Senate term, in 2006, as an independent after Connecticut Democrats dumped him in a primary. Suddenly liberated, Lieberman endorsed the Republican John McCain over Barack Obama in 2008 and…


Judge Weighs Whether Trump Incitement, Silence On Jan. 6 Meant ‘Agreement’ With Insurrectionists

<p>Attorneys for former President Trump were forced to explain at a Monday court hearing why their client&#8217;s actions on Jan. 6 <meta charset=”utf-8″/>did not meet the standard for a conspiracy. </p> <p>And Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), oddly, was forced to explain his own actions on that day. </p> Talking Points Memo