Better data protests could benefit, agencies, vendors alike

When it comes to data on bid protests, the data is lacking to say the least. Beyond the annual bid protest report to Congress from the Government Accountability Office, agencies track few other outcomes from protests. David Drabkin, a fellow at the Stevens Institute of Technology Acquisition Innovation Research Center and a former senior procurement executive for the General Services Administration, said by not collecting and understanding this data, agencies are missing a host of opportunities to improve the acquisition process, the contracting workforce and industry response to solicitations. Dave…


Washington State Ban on Natural Gas Heating Is All Cost, No Benefit

The Washington State Building Code Council, an unelected board that governs construction standards, on Nov. 4 decided to effectively ban natural gas heating in new-construction homes and office buildings. Advocates of the new restrictions admitted reluctantly that their new requirements will increase the cost of housing, but perhaps even more notable is that the new rules will do nothing to advance the purported goal; namely, reducing the state’s CO2 emissions. The combination of artificially high cost and no benefit makes the new regulations a textbook example of how some politicians…


U.S. Congress invites pharmacy benefit managers to third drug pricing hearing – Reuters

U.S. Congress invites pharmacy benefit managers to third drug pricing hearing  Reuters The U.S. Senate Finance Committee has invited executives from five pharmacy benefit managers to testify on April 3 on the rising costs of prescription medicines … “us congress” – Google News