Open Borders Creating Bidenvilles of Homelessness. Who Saw That Coming?

A year ago, I wrote about the obvious connection between illegal immigration and homelessness in U.S. cities. Since then, encounters with inadmissible aliens at the border have remained at more than 150,000 a month, often over 200,000. Of these, perhaps half are being released into the country, either under the charade of a “removal process” under U.S. immigration law or one of President Joe Biden’s many made-up parole-a-palooza programs. In July 2022, I predicted that some of the released illegal immigrants would “end up on the streets, compounding already dire…


The Obvious Answer to Homelessness

When someone becomes homeless, the instinct is to ask what tragedy befell them. What bad choices did they make with drugs or alcohol? What prevented them from getting a higher-paying job? Why did they have more children than they could afford? Why didn’t they make rent? Identifying personal failures or specific tragedies helps those of us who have homes feel less precarious—if homelessness is about personal failure, it’s easier to dismiss as something that couldn’t happen to us, and harsh treatment is easier to rationalize toward those who experience it.…