MoveOn Reflects on Occasion of 20-Year Anniversary of Iraq War

In response to the upcoming 20th anniversary marking the beginning of the Iraq War, MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement: “Few foreign policy decisions in recent history have had more disastrous consequences than the deliberate effort by many in power 20 years ago to mislead this nation into an unnecessary, deadly, and costly war in Iraq. And time and history have only made those lies look worse.  “Today, we honor the lives lost, civilian and military, and we reflect on our role in the public debate about…


Granite State Debate: Democrats in 1st CD on presence of US troops in Afghanistan, Iraq – WMUR Manchester

WMUR Manchester Granite State Debate: Democrats in 1st CD on presence of US troops in Afghanistan, IraqWMUR ManchesterGranite State Debate: Democrats in 1st CD on presence of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Iraq. Share. Shares. Copy Link. Copy. {copyShortcut} to copy Link copied! WMUR. Updated: 8:50 PM EDT Sep 5, 2018. Adam Sexton · Political Director. Granite State … us democrats – Google News


Republicans gave us the Iraq war, Gitmo and now a terrible tax bill. Americans need to stop electing them. – Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times Republicans gave us the Iraq war, Gitmo and now a terrible tax bill. Americans need to stop electing them.Los Angeles TimesTo the editor: Here's a life lesson for those who may need it and are open to it: If something isn't working for you, do not double down and get more of it. This works on a larger scale too. For instance, if a Republican congressional majority decides … us republicans – Google News