MoveOn: Every House Republican Just Caved to MAGA Trump Impeachment Ploy

House Republicans ignore American people’s priorities and vote for impeachment inquiry designed to hurt President Biden and reelect Trump Washington, D.C. – Following House Republicans’ – including the 17 Republicans from swing districts Biden carried in 2020 – voting in favor of an unfounded impeachment inquiry, MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting released the following statement: “House Republicans just voted for an illegitimate Biden impeachment inquiry after failing to pass any meaningful legislation in 2023. Their near-final act before the end of the year tells us everything we need…


Biden goes nuclear on the filibuster, Republicans but his ploy runs into Democratic resistance

President Biden, in a major speech Tuesday, called for blowing up the Senate filibuster rules to fight what he says is a Republican assault on American democracy, but Sen. Joe Manchin III is again poised to derail the president’s plans. Mr. Biden, who served as a senator for 36 years, … The Washington Times stories: White House