Taxpayers Shouldn’t Fund Planned Parenthood’s ‘Gender-Affirming’ Schemes. Here’s Why.

In post-Roe America, Planned Parenthood is shifting gears. To make up for its lost abortion revenue, it’s expanding its reach into what it calls “transgender hormone therapy.” The recent spike in these services is telling. According to their most recent annual reports, most of the nearly 600 Planned Parenthood centers now dispense cross-sex hormones. In 2016, only 32 Planned Parenthood clinics provided similar services. A 2022 Heritage Foundation analysis found that between one-third and one-half of the centers had entered the gender-bending market. One year later, Planned Parenthood’s newest reports…


How much will taxpayers pay for Mike Pence’s stay at Trump’s golf resort? – South China Morning Post

How much will taxpayers pay for Mike Pence’s stay at Trump’s golf resort?  South China Morning Post US president suggested the VP’s controversial visit to his Doonbeg hotel – but it wasn’t a ‘you must’ trip, say staff. “us president” – Google News


Flying Trump to midterm rallies to stump for Republicans cost US taxpayers millions – Quartz

Quartz Flying Trump to midterm rallies to stump for Republicans cost US taxpayers millionsQuartzUS president Donald Trump flew to more than 40 political rallies in the months leading up to the 2018 mid-term elections, to coax his loyal fans to come out to the polls for Republican candidates. A Quartz analysis of Trump's travel schedule and the …and more » us republicans – Google News