Water water everywhere: EPA using Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds to make it safer to drink

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes the single largest investment of water infrastructure ever in federal government, with more than $ 50 billion going to Environmental Protection Agency programs. More than $ 20 billion is intended for safe drinking water programs, $ 15 billion is dedicated to replace lead pipes and $ 1.8 billion is to protect regional waters, according to the agency. Karen Dettmer, managing director for Infrastructure Implementation at EPA, said it is also the first time the agency has dedicated funding for tackling emerging contaminants, through its State…


People Need to Start Using ‘Their Brains’ About Abortion, Ben Carson Says

A little bit of logic and brain power might go a long way in solving the controversy over abortion, Ben Carson says.   “I wish people would just take a step back from all this emotional rhetoric, and just use their brain, and look and see what is in that mother’s womb,” Carson, a renowned brain surgeon, said.   Through modern ultrasound technology, we know that a child in the womb is “a human being with a head, and a face, with eyes, a nose, and a mouth, and arms,…