This Debt Crisis Is Not Like 2011’s. It’s Worse.

On its surface, the unfolding debt-ceiling crisis looks a lot like the confrontation in 2011 between congressional Republicans and then-President Barack Obama. Once again, a new GOP majority in the House is using the threat of a national default as leverage to force a first-term Democratic president to agree to spending cuts in exchange for lifting the federal borrowing limit. A first-ever default could crash the markets and trigger a recession. But, as in 2011, the two parties remain far apart, with a deadline to act approaching rapidly. Eric Cantor…


8 Things to Know About Biden’s Fiscal 2024 Budget, From Bad to Worse

When discussing budgets, President Joe Biden often uses a quote that he attributes to his father: “Don’t tell me what you value. Show me your budget—and I’ll tell you what you value.” If the administration’s latest budget is any indication, Biden doesn’t value America’s future. 1) More Spending and Debt A president’s budget is a request to Congress and can be thought of as a wish list rather than an all-or-nothing demand. Administrations typically lay out an ambitious policy agenda that’s unlikely to happen. Incredibly, even the Biden administration’s wish…


Something Worse Likely After Ukraine War

The Ukraine mess is daily looking more like the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939, a meat grinder that took 500,000 lives. That three-year conflict became a savage proxy war and prelude for the belligerents of World War II. Now, a year after Russia’s invasion, the Ukraine battlefield is proving to be a similar laboratory of death. New lethal weaponry and tactics are introduced, modified—and always improved—from drones to guided missiles to internet-fed artillery. Likewise, a similar pre-global war lineup of the eventual adversaries is emerging in preview of…


Now at 9.1%, Biden’s Inflation Keeps Getting Worse

The June inflation numbers are a disaster, coming in at a 40-year high of 9.1%. After the Biden administration’s repeated victory laps crowing about “the fastest-growing economy in the world” and how we’re “stronger economically” than ever, the downward spiral is feeding a growing consensus that President Joe Biden and his Democrats in Congress are actively making things worse. According to official numbers, prices rose 1.3% on the month, which translates to an annualized pace of nearly 17%. Controlling for manipulated housing statistics, the numbers are even worse: 1.7% on…