Spanberger demands VA clean up its act when awarding financial incentives

The Department of Veterans Affairs paid out $ 11 million in bonuses to career executives not eligible to receive them. Now a bipartisan group of lawmakers is seeking answers. House lawmakers are asking VA how long it will take to claw back those bonuses and what steps it will take to hold department leaders accountable. The lawmakers also want to know what steps VA will take to ensure future financial incentives are awarded responsibly. (Spanberger demands answers, accountability from VA over nearly $ 11 million misspent on executive bonuses –…


VA makes ‘full court press’ on recruiting, retaining staff with new workforce incentives

The Department of Veterans Affairs, facing an increased workload as more veterans seek VA health care and benefits,  is prepared to significantly staff up under the Biden administration’s fiscal 2024 budget request. The VA in its fiscal 2024 budget request is looking to grow its workforce to 453,834 employees — a more than 4.5% increase from current staffing levels. Since 2019, the VA has added the equivalent of more than 78,000 full-time employees. The Biden administration is proposing a $ 351.1 billion total budget for VA in 2024 —  more…


US Congress to seek new tax incentives for Puerto Rico rebuilding – Reuters

The Ledger US Congress to seek new tax incentives for Puerto Rico rebuildingReutersWASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he wants to craft changes to a just-passed tax overhaul bill to provide “additional tax incentives” that would help Puerto Ricans recover from Hurricane Maria.Another Perspective: Trust us, Congress hasn't forgottenThe Ledger The Lineman Got $ 63 an Hour. The Utility Was Billed $ 319 an Hour.New York Timesall 313 news articles » us congress – Google News