As Fentanyl Streams Over Wide-Open Border, Students Lead Effort to Combat Campus Overdoses

Ten years ago, I had never heard the word “fentanyl.” Now, every sorority and fraternity on my college campus is equipped with Naloxone, also known by the brand name Narcan, a lifesaving medication used to treat opioid overdoses. The fentanyl crisis is acutely felt on college campuses. Oftentimes, college students will take a pill that they thought was Xanax or Ritalin and end up dead. According to federal data, the leading cause of death for Americans ages 18 to 45 is fentanyl overdose.  In the last three years alone, examples…


MoveOn Statement on New No Labels Super PAC That Will Only Lead to Trump Back In White House

Washington, D.C. – Following the news that a super PAC has been launched to back the eventual No Labels candidates – which new reporting has revealed may be a so-called all-Republican “unity ticket” – MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting released the following statement: “No one should be surprised that Republican strategists are creating another revenue stream to line their pockets and funnel millions of dollars towards No Labels’ dangerous operation that will only lead to Donald Trump back in the White House. Voters deserve to know who is behind this effort and where every…


It’s Time for Parents to Lead on Education Because They ‘Know Their Children Best’

When it comes to children’s education, parents know best, Laura Zorc says.  As the mother of four kids herself, Zorc has been fighting for education reform since 2013, when her home state of Florida began adopting Common Core education goals. She successfully rallied a group of parents to stand against the federally funded learning standards. Now, she is training parents across the nation to be advocates for their own children in the classroom. “Just because we send our kids to these government public schools, that does not mean the moment…