Senate bill would require feds to increase the amount of time they spend in the office

A pair of senators is looking to get feds back to the office even more. If enacted, the Back to Work Act would require federal employees to spend 60% of their work hours in the office. It would mean a slight increase from the current in-person policy at many agencies, right now at about 50% in-the-office. Lawmakers say the bill is a way to address federal office space concerns, while still allowing for *some telework flexibility. Under the legislation, agencies would also have to monitor teleworking employees. They’d also have…


GOP senators seek IG review to see if SBA office space remains underutilized

Republicans on the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee are calling for a watchdog review of the Small Business Administration’s office space use, over concerns its offices remain underutilized. In a letter to SBA’s inspector general, committee ranking member Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) led committee members Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and John Kennedy (R-La.) in asking the watchdog office for a report on SBA’s current office space utilization. “We request your office assess the SBA’s office space utilization as part of your role in providing independent, objective, and timely oversight of the…


Trump Indictment Shows He Violated the Law and Endangered Our National Security and Must Be Prevented From Holding Office Again

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to the unsealing of a federal indictment of Donald Trump earlier today, MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement: “Donald Trump has regularly flouted and violated the law for much of his time as a political candidate and elected official. The criminal evidence unsealed in the indictment shows in painstaking detail that he acted as if he is above the law, while willfully and recklessly endangering our national security. “Now is the time for Donald Trump to be held accountable. And…


Ron Johnson Live-Size Manure Sculpture Visits Senate Office

Milwaukee, WI – September 29, 2022 — Today, MoveOn, NextGen PAC – two of the country’s largest civic actions organizations – and several grassroots community leaders gathered in Milwaukee to protest Senator Ron Johnon’s extreme views, demand action on climate change, and mobilize voters for Senate candidate Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes. In response to Senator Johnson calling climate change “bullsh*t,” activists rallied in force to make their voices heard against Johnson’s failure to act on climate change. Today’s events featured the unveiling and tour of a life-size manure sculpture –…


New House Digital Services Office seeks to fill gaps to modernize Congress

The House of Representatives Chief Administrative Office is close to adding another shared service to the 100 or so it already provides.</p> <p>These range from <a href=””>acquisition support to human resources</a> to finance and logistics. But the one area where those services were missing and sorely needed was around digital transformation.</p> <figure id=”attachment_4108481″ aria-describedby=”caption-attachment-4108481″ style=”width: 300px” class=”wp-caption alignright”><img loading=”lazy” class=”size-medium wp-image-4108481″ src=”×300.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”300″ srcset=” 300w,×150.jpg 150w,×112.jpg 112w,×120.jpg 120w,×240.jpg 240w,×60.jpg 60w,×70.jpg 70w,×200.jpg 200w” sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” /><figcaption id=”caption-attachment-4108481″ class=”wp-caption-text”>Alan Thompson is…


House panel flexing its oversight muscles over JADC2 and CIO office

One subcommittee focused on cyber issues is flexing its oversight muscles in its proposals for the 2023 defense authorization bill, trying to get to the bottom of slow IT and investigating the Defense Department’s overhaul of its command and control system. The House Armed Services Cyber, Innovative Technologies and Information Systems Subcommittee is asking the government’s watchdog to take a look at the Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) program. JADC2 is a huge undertaking that will change the way the military delivers its power by using shared data…