Bureaucracy Reform: Presidential Power Struggle or Democracy Boost?

The presidential election is a year away, and an unpopular President Joe Biden is visibly losing mental acuity. “Weekend at Bernie’s III” was a sequel no one made, for good reason. The response from partisans on the left is panic, crowned by Washington Post editor Robert Kagan’s unhinged commentary, “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable”—complete with a photo morphing former President Donald Trump into Julius Caesar. In an op-ed for The New York Times, Georgetown University professor Donald Moynihan thinks “Trump Has a Master Plan for Destroying the ‘Deep State.’” He’s…


A Sex Scandal. A Conservative Power Network. And Moms for Liberty.

The ugly news broke during the last week of November: A Florida woman alleged that the chair of the state Republican Party had raped her at her home. The assault had occurred after he and his wife had planned, according to police, to meet her for a three-way sexual rendezvous, as they had previously. These were stunning claims given the power couple involved: The GOP chair, Christian Ziegler, who has denied the assault and said the encounter was consensual, is a prominent state political consultant. His Republican-activist wife, Bridget Ziegler,…


Panicked LGBTQ Group Declares ‘National Emergency.’ What It Fears Is Fed-Up Americans’ Threat to Its Institutional Power.

The institutional Left senses that its dominance over our societal mores faces a sudden and unexpected challenge. They are responding with predictable derangement. The Human Rights Campaign, a powerful and well-funded left-wing advocacy group, declared a “national emergency” for “LGBTQ+” people on Tuesday. “LGBTQ+ Americans are living in a state of emergency. The multiplying threats facing millions in our community are not just perceived—they are real, tangible, and dangerous,” HRC’s president, Kelley Robinson, said in a press release.  “In many cases, they are resulting in violence against LGBTQ+ people, forcing…


The Next Big Test of Trump’s Power

MORGANTOWN, West Virginia—Eight days before a Republican-primary election that could end his political career, Representative David McKinley stood on the sunny banks of the Monongahela River and stared into a tank filled with brown sewage. A fetid stench—something like a mix of sulfur and diapers—befouled the crisp Appalachian air. McKinley, battling Representative Alex Mooney, a fellow GOP lawmaker backed by Donald Trump, in his bid for his seventh term in Congress, was touring a wastewater-treatment plant and promoting his vote for an infrastructure law that could prove to be either…