‘How you do it matters’: GAO heightens concerns about federal workforce

Comptroller General Gene Dodaro’s very last congressional hearing on the Government Accountability Office’s high-risk list went back over some familiar yet urgent ground, as the long-time head of GAO repeatedly warned Congress about the future of the federal workforce. “I’ve been very concerned about the federal workforce,” Dodaro told lawmakers on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee during a hearing last week. “It doesn’t have the proper skills that are needed to address many of these important areas that are providing critical services to the American people, and at…


The federal workforce is growing, as House appropriators consider agency spending cuts

With a net gain of more than 80,000 civilian employees during fiscal 2023, the federal workforce posted yet another year of growth. Between 2019 and 2023, more than 140,000 employees joined the civil service, an increase of about 7%, according to data that the non-partisan, non-profit Partnership for Public Service compiled and released this week. The majority of the growth in the past couple of years occurred in 2023 alone — the federal workforce grew by 4% in just that one year, the Partnership said. The latest increase brings the…


VA makes ‘full court press’ on recruiting, retaining staff with new workforce incentives

The Department of Veterans Affairs, facing an increased workload as more veterans seek VA health care and benefits,  is prepared to significantly staff up under the Biden administration’s fiscal 2024 budget request. The VA in its fiscal 2024 budget request is looking to grow its workforce to 453,834 employees — a more than 4.5% increase from current staffing levels. Since 2019, the VA has added the equivalent of more than 78,000 full-time employees. The Biden administration is proposing a $ 351.1 billion total budget for VA in 2024 —  more…


NDAA backs State Dept efforts to build up workforce, modernize diplomatic mission

Congress is backing many of the State Department’s plans to modernize its workforce and bring its diplomatic corps into the 21st century in the latest defense policy bill. The fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act lawmakers passed this week directs the department to keep the House and Senate up to date on its plans to stand up its Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, as well as provide updates on its hiring efforts. The NDAA specifically requires the department to inform lawmakers how well it’s meeting its long-term goal of…


AFGE heightens calls for major SSA workforce improvements at union rally

A group of union officials and Social Security Administration employees gathered outside SSA’s headquarters in Baltimore, to voice frustrations with a shrinking agency workforce, and some of the major fallouts from it. The American Federation of Government Employees organized the rally on Oct. 26, where union leaders urged SSA to make several major changes to its workforce policies, like improving telework opportunities and increasing employee pay. The rally also built on the union’s demands from an Oct. 20 town hall to boost funding for the agency in fiscal 2023. “SSA…


Five federal workforce items on Congress’ to-do list

With the end of fiscal year 2022 approaching and a Sept. 30 deadline, Congress still has a lot on its plate to avoid a continuing resolution (CR), or potentially a government shutdown. Although some lawmakers have said a CR is already nearly inevitable, there are several key components on Congress’ to-do list when the House and Senate return from the August recess. Appropriations bills So far, the House passed six of its 12 spending bills for fiscal 2023 on July 20. Senate Democrats also released draft legislation for the 12…