A Full Breakdown of Donald Trump’s Legal Cases and His Latest Indictment

NEW YORK, NY – Atmosphere at the Nobody Is Above The Law Rally in New York City. Credit: Craig Barritt/Getty/MoveOn Donald Trump is the first president—former or current—to have been charged with a crime. Over the last five months, Trump has been indicted four separate times and charged with 91 felonies.  And yet, Trump is still the unrivaled front-runner for the Republican nomination, and polling has him in a dead heat with President Biden in a general-election matchup. But after so many years of getting away with his crimes scot-free,…


In shadow of court fight, U.S. Congress seeks to avoid budget breakdown – Reuters

In shadow of court fight, U.S. Congress seeks to avoid budget breakdown  Reuters What The Partisanship After Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death Shows  NPR Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Will Lie In Repose At The Supreme Court, U.S. Capitol This Week  Forbes GOP begins to fall in line for quick confirmation vote on Trump’s Supreme Court nominee  CNN View Full Coverage on Google News “us congress” – Google News